Thursday, August 6, 2009

Eamonn would be bummed

Aerosmith show ends after Tyler falls from stage

Tyler airlifted to local hospital

STURGIS SD” A huge number of fans packed the field in front of the Buffalo Chip Campground main stage to see Aerosmith, but Wednesday's concert was cut short when lead singer Steven Tyler fell off the stage.

Tyler was singing the Top 10 hit "Love In An Elevator" when the sound system went out. He continued to dance around, entertaining the crowd, when he fell off the Chip stage, according to reports d Aurand, a security supervisor at the campground who saw the fall, said Tyler stepped backward off the stage's catwalk.

"He does a lot of dancing on the stage and he does a lot of stuff with his mike stand. He put his stand down and twirled around and stepped backwards off the stage," Sanborn said.

Halfway through the performance, Tyler fell onto a couple of fans in the middle of what was a record crowd, Sanborn said. Security rushed to help him and the crowd cheered when Tyler got back up.

"He was good natured about it," Sanborn said. "He was in good spirits when he got in the helicopter. He was talking and joking with the physician."

"It was an unfortunate end to an extraordinary evening," he said.

Tyler suffered minor head and neck injuries and a shoulder injury, but it wasn't immediately clear how serious that was, Sanborn said.

After he fell, which was halfway through the performance, Tyler was eventually taken backstage, Sanborn said. Around 12:15 a.m., Aerosmith guitarist Joe Perry came out to tell the audience Tyler was being taken to the hospital and that the show would not go on.

A physician at the concert venue attended to Tyler and the frontman was flown to Rapid City Regional Hospital.

Jennifer Horton, the hospital's vice president of public relations and marketing, said early Thursday that Tyler wasn't in the hospital directory. Under the privacy laws, that means the person is either not there or chose not to be included in the directory, according to the hospital's Web site.

This was the first time Aerosmith had performed in Sturgis, but it was Tyler̢۪s second appearance at the rally.

Fans were sure to be disappointed. They had gathered earlier in the day, excited for the big event. Danielle Hudspeth of Pine Ridge said the week Aerosmith was announced as part of the Chips™ 2009 line-up, she decided to go.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Night TWO

I was forced to stay another night in the hospital because the back brace was not ready. I'm a little upset, there was plenty of time on Tuesday to fit me.

My meds where switched from Morphine to Hydrocodone...hydro is strong. Morphine had a little kick but hydro puts me out. Drool, sleep and absolutely no pain...GORKED.

Thursday, July 30, 2009


Last night actually wasn't that bad. I was able to sleep without any additional morphine, but I did get on the hour wake up calls by the nursing staff. All things considered I'm actually comfortable. Things were a bit stiff this morning, nothing a little pain meds can't dull. I've been switched to orals which means I should be going home soon. No new news on when I'll be getting my brace. 89 days...

For the time being I'm drinking a gallon of Dunn Brothers. The morphine has left two days worth of duce in the ol' guts...and that isn't good.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Down and OUT...

It was a bad day. Took a 10ft fall off a slippery rock ledge and landed on my back. The pack with my climbing gear saved my head from slamming on the ground and saving some other breaks. I am currently in the hospital with a L1 compression fracture and pain control. Although things could have been much worse, I am going to be chained to a brace for 3 months. No PQ, no autumn MtB, no lifting boxes into the house on Squire.

Who wants to come out and help?

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Rolling the Rim...

Rolled out a few hours at Buzzard's of the newest trails systems built the hills. The trail is a lot of fun, but it has as many rocks as a crack pike. Tried it on the rigid 69ss, but went back to the car and grabbed the 5'' Kona after the first hour. The photo above was taken from a section called the rim trail. In the distance you can see Storm Mtn (square mtn on the left way back) and Harny Peak (mtn way way back on the right).

Gone and Done With...

It has been a while but I thought I should post on it anyway. The Firecracker 50 was a great event again. The short of it was:
Registered late and I was put on the waiting list=(
Got off the waiting list=)
Raced maverick because I did not want to buy a license
Had a great first lap
Second lap kicked my ass
Missed my goal of sub 5hr by 7min
FoxyRoxy rode VERY well and almost beat me!

Post race...Me supporting my ol' team in their new kit.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Firecracker 50? Maybe...

show details 8:33 AM (29 minutes ago)

Follow up message
Greetings! So here's the latest. We've had about 20 cancellations and have moved people from the wait list to the race in order of when they signed up for the wait list. Registration is now totally closed meaning no one can even get on the wait list. We will continue to work down the list as cancellations come in. The last chance to get into the race will be on Saturday morning. If there are no shows we will continue down the wait list and re-assign number plates. If the people on the wait list are no shows and there are still number plates available we will be issuing raffle tickets to the people hanging out. We'll do a draw and fill up the race. Packet pickup closes at 10:30 and that's when the fun will begin. Sincerely, Jeff

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Waiting List =(


Greetings! You have been placed on a waiting list (29 people as of this AM) for the 2009 Firecracker 50. We have sent an email to all confirmed racers asking for cancellations due to injury, illness, or any unforeseen circumstance. If any spots become available you will be automatically moved into the race on a first-come, first-served basis. Let?s see what happens in the next day or two! Maybe you?ll all get lucky. Jeff

Friday, June 26, 2009

Kingsbury Weekend

The Big Fish, Ma and kids 4&5 made a short visit Saturday-Tuesday. They came bearing a gift of 48 delicious bottles of New Glarus's Cracked Wheat, adding to the stash from our last bootlegging trip in May.

First stop...the SD Bandlands. Actually the first stop was the Corn Palace in Mitchell, but since it is east river I'm not counting it. Everyone was pretty amazed at the rock formations, especially when only a few miles away the Black Hills are mainly granite. Big Fish and I pedaled the Badlands in March, but it was a first time visit for the rest of the crew.

Day two was called the Kingsbury death Mom. The march consisted of a whirlwind trip to the northwest Hills. After taking a backcoutry route we ended up in Spearfish Canyon.

The day was perfect with little cloud cover and great temps which equals a high volume of tourists. Usually this would annoy the piss out of me, but I keep telling myself that this is why I don't have to pay a state income tax. That and I don't have a legitimate job.

From the canyon we rolled into Spearfish proper. The original goal was to head up to Tinton Road to watch some of the Super D, but I was sidetracked by a police officer. Apparently it's illegal to make a U-turn in an intersection...who knew?Sgt Klunder was even less impressed that I wasn't giving him my full attention and made me sit in his prowler. This is when he proceeded to tell me about respect and some other stuff. What an egoist. How in the wrong could I have been, I only got a warning. Paps was even less impressed with my abilities so we skipped the super D and went directly to Devil's Tower.

I love, love, love Devil's Tower, the family dug it as well. I will take anyone at anytime. We all hiked the Red Beds loop and the interior loop to get all the perspectives of the tower. Both hikes are fairly easy, with hardly anyone on the Red Beds loop.

On the way back to Rapid we made a game time decision to hike Bear Butte...another one of my favorites.
Bear Butte is unique because it is northeast of the Hills and gives great views of both prairie and the Back Hills. The Butte is very sacred to the native people, during the hike we could hear drums being played in the distance. Ma thought that they were playing her death march song. I reassured her that they if she did not make it to the top, the Natives would most likely scalp her.

After it was all said-n-done we hiked about 12 miles on Sunday, and no one lost their scalp.


As Eamonn would say, "I'm, like, not gonna lie" we were T I R E D the next day. So we thought we would play it cool and go see Crazy Horse and Rushmore. Pretty uneventful except for the huge faces carved out of mountains.
I still can't believe how big Crazy Horse is. The head alone is bigger than Mt. Rushmore. Who knows if it will ever get to completion, but I hope I'm alive if it happens. Dad seemed to be pretty stoked to see it. There is also a ton of visitor information, the price of admission is steep but it's well worth it.

From Crazy Horse we moved to Rushmore, which is about 30 minutes way. P-diddy and I went at our own pace and lost the rest of the crew for awhile. We ended up finding them at the visitors movie on how Rushmore was's lame people. Go to the Monument, get the ice cream and watch the Discovery channel if you want the details.

The Last Day

The final day was a good one. Dad and I rode from Keystone to Harney Peak on the Norbeck scenic byway. What a ride!

Great roads, views, climbs,'s all great. Dad suffered a bit, but it was the best I've seen him ride. We could see Rushmore for quite a ways.

While Paps and I were riding, Mom and the kids did the president walk in downtown Rapid City. Ma thought it would be a good idea to grope Taft's ass...what a sicko.
After our ride and president perversion walk we all hiked Harney Peak. 3.5 and 3.5 down, the final leg of the death march. The Harney Peak #9 trail head starts at Sylvan Lake and goes straight up. During the hike their are very distant views of the peak, and it's wild to think that it's only a few miles way.

Harney Peak is the highest point in SD at about 7200 ft. At the top is an old fire tower that gives views of Rushmore, Hill City, the Needles and Custer State Park. It was a great couple of days and even better that the fam really enjoyed our new home. KP's parents are on the way this weekend. Both sets of parents in two weeks...yikes!

Thursday, June 25, 2009


The stock Monarch 3.1 shock blew after about 25hr of riding...very disappointing. SRAM is trying to do right by sending 4.2. Anyone want to trade a for a RP23?

Friday, June 19, 2009

Storm Mtn with the Acme Army

Lately it seems I've been cleaning the bike more than riding it. Thunderstorms roll in around 3 and roll out after dark. So were do you ride in Rapid when everything is wet? Storm Mtn of course. Storm is quite an anomaly, no matter how much it rains the trails are very ride-able. Dirkness and I rolled there Monday during a down poor and left no tracks. Crazy?

Tim, Tucks, Lars, K-combs and myself rode last nigh after closing the shop. We drove up in 10k worth of vehicles with 35k worth of Santa Cruz product on or inside our vehicles. It is comparable to a dude with master-blaster-sound-system in his mom's ol'89 Toyota Corolla. "Damn it feels good to be a gangstar."
Poor photo of K-combs clearing the road gap...

Bot Fly?

Look what KP removed from under my skin...I think it was Bot fly larva.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Saturday was the first real test of my "sprained" MCL. Took KP on a 2.5hr hike on the Big Horn loop at Storm Mt. There was still a bit of pain on any down hill but it is healing. A week ago I would have been carried out on Kristin's back...whining of course=)

The Big Horn Loop is one of my all time Rapid favorites, it is the staple trail system in the Hills.

Saturday, June 13, 2009


Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Have you seen this face?

Kristin and I had the opportunity to walk to the face of the Crazy Horse Monument last Sunday. It was a unique view of the "largest mountain carving in the world." The weather wasn't the best, but it was still worth it. 50 and rainy...last time I looked it was June.

Monday, March 23, 2009

From 75 and Sun to 25 and Blizzard

I've been getting a lot of emails and calls wondering if I'm dead, NO, just really busy. Between my internship, PQ training and KP time...I've been booked. The weather in Rapid has the town in lock down giving me time to post. It's nice to have a day off after last weeks 18 hours of training...I'm tired. Look below to see some of the fun stuff I've been up to.


I've been lured to run up this lava plug since I first saw it in October. From the parking lot it's a 2 mile assent, up 1000ft. This photo is taken from the south side, the north side was ice and snow packed, but it was runnable. At a good pace it took 12 minutes to get to the top. This WILL be my hill repeat course.


Bombing down St. Martins...they have sharp rocks here!


The garage is ready to roll. I've been "working from home" for Tim at ACME bikes. This is a big help since I can't make it to the shop during his business hours.'s really nice having a MAN CAVE.


Caving is the craziest shit I've ever done. Now, without question, I'm the craziest guy Tostin knows. The only way in and out of this cave was to rapell and climb. We and our guide Dano spent 6 hours in Reeds Cave, a private cave that I'm told is one like the one we will be going into during PQ. Most of the time we were doing strange contorsion positions, & we rarely stood tall. There was one section that I had to completely exhale all the air in my lungs to squeeze through. I have the scars on my back to prove it.

Monday, March 9, 2009


After the great riding with the Big Fish during the week and some long hours with the team this weekend, the ol' calander showed a 15.45 week. I haven't done this many hours since OMA about 2 years ago. This is a little scary...the weeks are only going to get longer!

Today will be a day off; filled with bike cleaning, unpacking and oh yeah...first day at work=)

Saturday, March 7, 2009

These Creeps Can Roll, Man.

The Big Fish, younger bro Seb and I rolled into Rapid on Monday. My car, their van, and a uhual trailer was fairly full, but but the trip went well at only 9 hours in the seats. Paps set the trip. before we left and showed 601 miles door-to-door. There is something irronic about this...that is the distance that I will be covering this summer during PQ. Strange?

Dad and I got our first road miles outside this season on Tuesday. 55 degrees, light wind, 2 hours, at the Badlands Loop. We were only passed by three (3) cars the entire ride. The first of the three wasn't seen until 50 minutes into the ride. I have a feeling I will be training there a lot...or until the tourist roll in.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Fun With Training...

I've officially started running with a backpack. During PQ I"ll have about 25-30lbs strapped to my there is no better time to start. Today there was only 6.5lbs of randomness carried (couple pairs of pants, books, avid bb7's) and I can feel the extra weight in my legs, abs and lower back. It's safe to say that I'll be doing extra crunches and back extensions at the gym tonight. Soon, look for me on the cover of QR Magazine with a "ripped" six pack =)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

What's the Worst That Could Happen...

Primal Quest '09, huh? Yeah that's right...Randy sent a call my way yesterday saying, "Bad news, you're in." Now, I'm officially apart of Team South Dakota. Although it's important to note that I'm not the teams first choice. What is joy and elation for me is devastation and sadness for another. Dan, one of the original members, is dealing with one of my biggest fears. His wife has recently been diagnosed with brain cancer...because of this he has with drawn from the race. I grinned ear to ear when I got the call from Randy, but I can't help but feel terrible. But this will be my and the teams motivation. No matter how bad our feet hurt, no matter how hard the course is and no matter how hungry we get...our pain is short and much less painful than chemo or radiation.

Dan...I promise...I will have to be close to death before I think about throwing in the towel.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

As the address suggests...

Flew in to Rapid on Friday...I brought a secret. It took her by surprise and she said yes. We have not set a date as of yet, but stay tuned, more events might be on the horizon.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Really Lance Armstrong?

You have Oakley in your front pocket and you choose those shades?

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Welcome Back...sort of

Well...I'm back in La Crosse for 6 weeks finishing up some research. What a week it has been!

1. It took 14:03.05, drive time, to get from Rapid to La Crosse. Normally this is a 8-9 hr drive. Complete white-out conditions forced me to stop several time to avoid certain accident. Average miles per hour...45, good gas mileage/big waste of time.

2. It was 45 degrees in Rapid, way below zero in La Crosse.

3. Going to class Tuesday morning, I was forced to drive into an un-plowed which I got stuck.

4. While digging out my car the automatic locks locked me out of the car...while it was running with my phone, wallet and house keys inside.

5. Had to use a cell phone of a passerby to call Don's towing to unlock my car.

6. Got food poisoning from eating left over lasagna. Left class early and LOST 5 LB OVER NIGHT!

7. Went to start my car this morning and it wouldn't start, most likely due to the cold and it's a piece of shit.

Let's see what FRIDAY has to offer?

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Backyard view...

Either Armageddon is coming or I moved into a Lava Lamp.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Terry Peak

What better way to spend my Xmas bonus...taking the board to the local ski hill. Tim, Marta and I got some fairly fresh corduroy this morning. Temps were decent, the crowds were light and the snow was pretty fast.

Friday, January 2, 2009


Nemo Rd, Rapid City