Friday, January 2, 2009

Getting Lost @ M Hill

35 and sunny...out for about an hour. It seems I've found the down-hill course. This was the only area for about 800 meters that I was able to stop and dismount. The walk back up was ankle breaking. Notice the two trees I got stuck between.

The view from the top of M Hill, located a few blocks from downtown Rapid. The single track here is a little more what I'm used to. It could even be dubbed the Tostin Super's fast!


  1. I see you like stickers now, even ss rigid. Any fixed gear in your future? 8-)

    Congrats on the move to the Black Hills. Congrats also with Roxz moving up to pro.

  2. That area looks sweet. BTW, I have sweet hacksaw for cutting off those bar end things.
